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a chequered board

  • 1 chequered

    прил.; брит.; амер. checkered
    1) клетчатый, в клетку
    2) пёстрый, разноцветный
    3) изменчивый, переменчивый; разнообразный

    Англо-русский современный словарь > chequered

  • 2 पञ्चाली _pañcālī

    पञ्चाली 1 A doll, puppet.
    -2 A kind of song.
    -3 Chequered board for playing at draughts, chess-board &c.; (also पञ्चारी in this sense only).

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > पञ्चाली _pañcālī

  • 3 पञ्चम _pañcama

    पञ्चम a. (
    -भी f.) The fifth.
    -2 Forming a fifth part.
    -3 Dexterous, clever.
    -4 Beautiful, brilliant.
    -मः 1 The fifth (or in later times the seventh) note of the Indian gamut; it is said to be produced by the cuckoo (कोकिलो रौति पञ्चमम् Nārada), and is so called because it is produced from 5 parts of the body:-- वायुः समुद्गतो नाभेरुरोहृत्कण्ठमूर्धसु । विचरन् पञ्चमस्थानप्राप्त्या पञ्चम उच्यते ॥.
    -2 N. of a Rāga or musical mode (sung in the above note); व्यथयति वृथा मौनं तन्वि प्रपञ्चय पञ्चमम् Gīt.1; so उदञ्चितपञ्चमरागम् Gīt.1.
    -3 The fifth consonant of a class; i. e. a nasal.
    -मम् 1 A fifth.
    -2 Sexual inter- course (मैथुन), the fifth मकार of the Tāntrikas.
    -मम् ind. For the fifth time, fifthly; Ms.8.125.
    -मी 1 The fifth day of a lunar fortnight.
    -2 The ablative case (in gram.).
    -3 An epithet of Draupadī.
    -4 A chequered board for playing at draughts.
    -Comp. -आस्यः the cuckoo.
    -स्वरम् N. of a metre; P. R.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > पञ्चम _pañcama

  • 4 quadro

    1. adj square
    2. m painting, picture
    mathematics square
    fig nel quadro di as part of
    quadro ( sinottico) table
    quadri pl direttivi senior executives, senior management sg
    quadro di comando control panel
    quadro a olio oil painting
    a quadri check attr
    * * *
    quadro1 agg. square; quadrate: piastrelle quadre, square tiles; vela quadra, square sail; metro quadro, square meter; parentesi quadre, square brackets // spalle quadre, ( robuste) square shoulders // testa quadra, (fig.) sensible person, (spreg.) blockhead.
    quadro2 s.m.
    1 picture, painting: quadro a olio, oil painting; i quadri di Van Gogh, Van Gogh's pictures; quadri murali, mural paintings (o murals); galleria di quadri, picture gallery; ha molti bei quadri, he has many fine pictures // quadri viventi, tableaux vivants
    2 (fig.) ( vista, spettacolo) sight; scene: che quadro commovente!, what a moving sight!; un quadro di spaventosa miseria, a scene of frightening poverty
    3 (fig.) ( descrizione) picture; description, outline: mi fece un quadro completo della situazione, he gave me a complete picture (o the run down) of the situation; questo è il quadro della situazione, that is the picture (of the situation), (fam.) that's about the size of it; questo libro è un bellissimo quadro della vita del secolo scorso, this book is a wonderful description of life in the last century; mi faccia un quadro politico dei primi vent'anni del secolo, give me an outline of politics in the first twenty years of the century
    4 ( figura quadrata) square; a quadri, check (ed) (o chequered): vorrei un disegno a quadri, I should like a check (pattern) // quadro svedese, window ladder
    5 ( tabella) table, schedule: quadro riassuntivo, summary; quadro sinottico, synoptic table // (comm.) quadro delle attività fisse, fixed-asset schedule // ( cartografia) quadro d'unione: index map
    6 (teatr., cinem.) scene: quadro!, ( esclamazione di protesta) focus!
    7 (gener. pl.) cadre; upper echelons (pl.): i quadri dell'esercito, the upper echelons of the army; il quadro del reggimento, the regimental cadre; quadri direttivi, (anche pol.) executive cadres // quadri di un'azienda, management (o managerial staff): quadri intermedi, middle management; quadri direttivi, managerial staff
    8 (elettr.) board, panel; (tv) frame; (elettr.) quadro di comando, di controllo, switchboard; (aut.) quadro degli strumenti, instrument panel // (inform.): quadro di comando, console; quadro delle connessioni, problem board
    9 pl. ( carte) diamonds
    10 (mar.) quadro di poppa, upper stern.
    * * *
    ['kwadro] I
    aggettivo square

    testa -afig. bullhead, blockhead

    II 1.
    sostantivo maschile
    1) (dipinto) painting, picture
    2) (descrizione) picture, description
    3) (spettacolo, scena) picture; (vista) sight
    4) (tabella) board
    5) (pannello) board, panel
    6) (quadrato) check

    a -i — [ tessuto] check(ed), chequered BE, checkered AE

    7) teatr. scene
    8) cinem. telev. frame
    9) mil. amm. cadre
    sostantivo maschile plurale quadri gioc. (seme) diamonds + verbo sing. o pl.

    quadro di comando, (dei) comandi — tecn. control panel

    quadro (degli) strumentiaer. aut. instrument panel

    quadro svedesesport window ladder

    -i direttivi o dirigenti senior staff, top management; -i intermedi middle management; -i di partito — political cadres

    * * *
    square; parentesi -a square bracket; metro quadro square metre; testa -a fig. bullhead, blockhead.
    I sostantivo m.
     1 (dipinto) painting, picture; quadro a olio oil painting; dipingere un quadro to paint a picture
     2 (descrizione) picture, description; un quadro della situazione a picture of the situation; il quadro attuale degli avvenimenti the current pattern of events
     3 (spettacolo, scena) picture; (vista) sight
     4 (tabella) board; quadro riassuntivo summary table
     5 (pannello) board, panel
     6 (quadrato) check; a -i [ tessuto] check(ed), chequered BE, checkered AE
     7 teatr. scene
     8 cinem. telev. frame; fuori quadro out of frame
     9 mil. amm. cadre
    II quadri m.pl.
     gioc. (seme) diamonds + verbo sing. o pl.; carta di -i diamond
    quadro clinico clinical picture; quadro di comando, (dei) comandi tecn. control panel; quadro (degli) strumenti aer. aut. instrument panel; quadro svedese sport window ladder; -i direttivi o dirigenti senior staff, top management; - i intermedi middle management; - i di partito political cadres.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > quadro

  • 5 irregular

    1 uneven (no uniforme) (terreno, superficie).
    su rendimiento en los estudios es irregular he's inconsistent in his studies
    2 irregular.
    la financiación irregular de los partidos the irregular funding of the parties
    f. & m.
    subversive element.
    * * *
    1 irregular
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (=desigual)
    a) [superficie, terreno] uneven; [contorno, línea] crooked; [rasgos] irregular; [filo] jagged
    b) [latido, ritmo] irregular; [rendimiento] irregular, erratic; [jugador, equipo] inconsistent; [año, vida] chaotic
    2) (=no legal)
    3) (Ling) [verbo] irregular
    4) (Mat) [polígono, figura] irregular
    * * *
    a) <trazos/facciones> irregular; < letra> irregular, uneven; <terreno/superficie> irregular, uneven
    b) <rendimiento/asistencia> irregular, erratic; <pulso/ritmo> irregular
    2) (Der) <procedimiento/acción> irregular
    3) (Ling) irregular
    * * *
    = irregular, spasmodic, spotty, ragged, lapsed, episodic, scrappy [scrappier -comp., scrappiest -sup.], fitful, bitty [bittier -comp., bittiest -sup.], spastic, chequered [checkered, -USA].
    Ex. Irregular, this frequency type is used not only for irregular periodicals, but also for periodicals issued less than once per year.
    Ex. Progress in many sectors has been slow and spasmodic; positive measures have been implemented often only after protracted negotiations and their impact has usually been incremental rather than dramatic.
    Ex. Enforcement of library policies is spotty at best.
    Ex. Even in more mainstream publishing, despite the ubiquity of word processors, which can so easily produce justified text, ragged right margins are becoming more common, even fashionable.
    Ex. However, almost 30% of lapsed borrowers claimed to still use the library for other purposes, principally to find information.
    Ex. Politics often makes library development episodic and unpredictable.
    Ex. It is a scrappy book, apparently assembled in haste.
    Ex. This is a compelling account of Twain's fitful creative life.
    Ex. However, his use of a remorselessly chronological approach yields a narrative that is often bitty, sometimes ponderously plodding.
    Ex. The joints associated with spastic muscles need to be carried through a passive range of motion daily to delay the development of contractures.
    Ex. An appraisal of the reforms following the report suggests that local councillors' workload has increased, and community councils have had a chequered career, although local authorities generally are stronger.
    * de forma irregular = erratically.
    * de modo irregular = erratically.
    * de un modo irregular = scrappily.
    * pasado irregular = chequered history, chequered past.
    * plantación irregular = random clumping.
    * * *
    a) <trazos/facciones> irregular; < letra> irregular, uneven; <terreno/superficie> irregular, uneven
    b) <rendimiento/asistencia> irregular, erratic; <pulso/ritmo> irregular
    2) (Der) <procedimiento/acción> irregular
    3) (Ling) irregular
    * * *
    = irregular, spasmodic, spotty, ragged, lapsed, episodic, scrappy [scrappier -comp., scrappiest -sup.], fitful, bitty [bittier -comp., bittiest -sup.], spastic, chequered [checkered, -USA].

    Ex: Irregular, this frequency type is used not only for irregular periodicals, but also for periodicals issued less than once per year.

    Ex: Progress in many sectors has been slow and spasmodic; positive measures have been implemented often only after protracted negotiations and their impact has usually been incremental rather than dramatic.
    Ex: Enforcement of library policies is spotty at best.
    Ex: Even in more mainstream publishing, despite the ubiquity of word processors, which can so easily produce justified text, ragged right margins are becoming more common, even fashionable.
    Ex: However, almost 30% of lapsed borrowers claimed to still use the library for other purposes, principally to find information.
    Ex: Politics often makes library development episodic and unpredictable.
    Ex: It is a scrappy book, apparently assembled in haste.
    Ex: This is a compelling account of Twain's fitful creative life.
    Ex: However, his use of a remorselessly chronological approach yields a narrative that is often bitty, sometimes ponderously plodding.
    Ex: The joints associated with spastic muscles need to be carried through a passive range of motion daily to delay the development of contractures.
    Ex: An appraisal of the reforms following the report suggests that local councillors' workload has increased, and community councils have had a chequered career, although local authorities generally are stronger.
    * de forma irregular = erratically.
    * de modo irregular = erratically.
    * de un modo irregular = scrappily.
    * pasado irregular = chequered history, chequered past.
    * plantación irregular = random clumping.

    * * *
    1 ‹trazos/facciones› irregular; ‹letra› irregular, uneven; ‹terreno/superficie› irregular, uneven
    2 ‹rendimiento/asistencia› irregular, erratic; ‹pulso/ritmo› irregular
    su trabajo este año ha sido muy irregular his work has been very erratic o inconsistent this year
    lleva una vida muy irregular he leads a very disorganized o a chaotic life
    B ( Der) ‹procedimiento/acción› irregular
    su situación legal es irregular his legal situation is irregular
    hay posibles acciones irregulares there are possible irregularities
    C ( Ling) irregular
    * * *

    irregular adjetivo ( en general) irregular;
    letra/superficie irregular, uneven
    irregular adjetivo irregular: es una situación absolutamente irregular, it's a highly irregular situation
    ' irregular' also found in these entries:
    - accidentado
    - ahorcarse
    - alisar
    - dato
    - desigual
    - alterar
    - desnivelado
    - dispar
    - do
    - erratic
    - fitful
    - irregular
    - lie
    - patchy
    - spasmodic
    - spasmodically
    - uneven
    - fitfully
    - jagged
    - ragged
    * * *
    1. [comportamiento] erratic;
    su rendimiento en los estudios es irregular her Br marks o US grades are inconsistent;
    el equipo tuvo una actuación muy irregular the team's performance was very patchy;
    el comportamiento irregular de la inflación the erratic behaviour of inflation
    2. [situación] irregular;
    un inmigrante en situación irregular an immigrant without the proper documentation, an immigrant who is not legally registered
    3. [terreno, superficie] uneven
    4. [poco honesto] irregular;
    consiguió su fortuna de forma irregular the way he obtained his fortune was not entirely honest o was somewhat irregular;
    la financiación irregular de los partidos the irregular funding of the parties
    5. [verbo] irregular
    6. Geom irregular
    * * *
    1 irregular
    2 superficie uneven
    * * *
    : irregular
    * * *
    1. (verbos) irregular
    2. (situación) abnormal

    Spanish-English dictionary > irregular

  • 6 клетчатый

    II биол.
    * * *
    * * *
    I checkered, chequered, checked II cellular
    * * *

    Новый русско-английский словарь > клетчатый

  • 7 клетчатый

    2) Botanical term: tessellate, tessellated
    3) Construction: cellulose, squared
    4) Architecture: checked
    5) Heraldry: checky

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > клетчатый

  • 8 अष्टन् _aṣṭan

    अष्टन् num. a. [अश-व्याप्तौ कनिन् तुट् च Uṇ.1.154.] (nom., acc. अष्ट-ष्टौ) Eight. It often occurs in comp. as अष्टा with numerals and some other nouns; as अष्टादशन्, अष्टाविंशतिः, अष्टापद &c. [cf. L. octo; Gr. okto; Zend astani Pers. hasht.].
    -Comp. -अक्षर a. consisting of eight letters or parts; अष्टाक्षरं ह वा एकं गायत्र्यै पदम् Bṛi. Up.5.14.1. (
    -रः) N. of a metre.
    -अङ्ग a. consisting of eight parts or members.
    (-ङ्गम्) 1 the eight parts of the body with which a very low obeisance is performed; ˚पातः, -प्रणामः, साष्टाङ्गनमस्कारः a respectful obeisance made by the prostration of the eight limbs of the body; साष्टाङ्गपातं प्रणनाम fell prostrate on the ground in reverence; (जानुभ्यां च तथा पद्भ्यां पाणिभ्यामुरसा धिया । शिरसा वचसा दृष्टया प्रणामो$- ष्टाङ्ग ईरितः). cf. also उरसा शिरसा दृष्टया वचसा मनसा तथा । पद्भ्यां कराभ्यां जानुभ्यां प्रणामो$ष्टाङ्ग उच्यते ॥ The eight limbs of the body in नमस्कार.
    -2 the 8 parts of yoga or concen- tration; यमो नियमश्चासनं च प्राणायामस्ततः परम् । प्रत्याहारो धारणा च घ्यानं सार्धं समाधिना । अष्टाङ्गान्याहुरेतानि योगिनां योगसिद्धये ॥
    -3 materials of worship taken collectively, namely, water, milk, ghee, curds, दर्भ, rice, barley, mustard seed.
    -4 the eight parts of every medical science; (they are:-- शल्यम्, शालाक्यम्, कायचिकित्सा, भूतविद्या, कौमारभृत्यम्, अगदतन्त्रम्, रसायनतन्त्रम्, and वाजीकरणतन्त्रम्.)
    -5 the eight parts of a court; 1 the law, 2 the judge, 3 assessors, 4 scribe, 5 astrologer, 6 gold, 7 fire, and 8 water.
    -6 any whole consisting of eight parts.
    -7 a die, dice.
    -8 The eight functions of intellect (बुद्धि) are शुश्रूषा, श्रवण, ग्रहण, धारणा, चिन्तन, ऊहापोह, अर्थविज्ञान and तत्त्वज्ञान; बुद्धया ह्यष्टाङ्गया युक्तं त्वमेवार्हसि भाषितुम् Rām.6.113.24. ˚अर्घ्यम् an offering of eight articles. ˚धूपः a sort of medical incense removing fever. ˚मैथुनम् sexual enjoyment of 8 kinds'; the eight stages in the progress of a love suit; स्मरणं कीर्तनं केलिः प्रेक्षणं गुह्यभाषणम् । संकल्पो$ध्यवसायश्च क्रियानिष्पत्तिरेव च ॥
    ˚वैद्यकम् It is constituted of द्रव्याभिधान, गदनिश्चय, काय- सौख्य, शल्यादि, भूतनिग्रह, विषनिग्रह, बालवैद्यक, and रसायन. ˚हृदयम् N. of a medical work.
    -अधिकाराः जलाधिकारः, स्थलाधिकारः, ग्रामाधिकारः, कुललेखनम्, ब्रह्मासनम्, दण़्डविनि- योगः, पौरोहित्यम्.
    -अध्यायी N. of Pāṇinī's gramma- tical work consisting of 8 Adhyāyas or chapters.
    -अन्नानि The eight types of food भोज्य, पेय, चोष्य, लेह्य, खाद्य, चर्व्य, निःपेय, भक्ष्य.
    -अर a. having a wheel with 8 spokes.
    -अस्रम् an octagon.
    -अस्रः A kind of single-storeyed building octangular in plan.
    -अस्रिय a. octangular.
    -अह् (न्) a. lasting for 8 days.
    -आदिशाब्दिकाः the first eight expounders of the science of words (grammar); इन्द्रश्चन्द्रः काशकृत्स्नापिशली शाकटायनः । पाणिन्यमरजैनेन्द्रा जयन्त्यष्टादिशाब्दिकाः ॥
    -आपाद्य Multiplied by eight. अष्टापाद्यं तु शूद्रस्य स्तेये भवति किल्बिषम् । Ms.8.337.
    -उपद्वीपानि स्वर्णप्रस्थ, चन्द्राशुक्ल, आवर्तन, रमणक, मन्दरहरिण, पाञ्चजन्य, सिंहल, and लङ्का.
    -कपाल a. (˚ष्टा˚) prepared or offered in 'eight' pans. (
    -लः) a sacrifice in which ghee is offered in eight pans.
    -कर्ण a. one who has the number eight as a mark burnt in his ears (P.VI.3.115). (
    -र्णः) eight- eared, an epithet of Brahmā. (
    -कर्मन् m.),
    -गतिकः a king who has 8 duties to perform; (they are:-- आदाने च विसर्गे च तथा प्रैषनिषेधयोः । पञ्चमे चार्थवचने व्यवहारस्य चेक्षणे ॥ दण्डशुद्धयोः सदा रक्तस्तेनाष्टगतिको नृपः ।
    -कुलम् (Probably) Village jury. (Bh. List No. 1267).
    -कुलाचलाः Eight principal mountains; नील, निषध, विन्ध्याचल, माल्यवान्, मलय, गंधमादन, हेमकूट, and हिमालय. (
    -मर्यादागिरयः) हिमालय, हेमकूट, निषध, गन्धमादन, नील, श्वेत, शृङ्गवार and माल्यवान्.
    -कृत्वस् ind. eight times. चतु- र्नमो अष्टकृत्वो भवाय Av.11.2.9.
    -कोणः 1 an octagon.
    -2 a kind of machine.
    -खण्डः a title of a collection of several sections of the Ṛigveda.
    -गन्धाः Eight fragrant substances (Mar. चन्दन, अगरु, देवदार, कोळिंजन, कुसुम, शैलज, जटामांसी, सुर-गोरोचन).
    -गवम् [अष्टानां गवां समाहारः] a flock of 8 cows.
    -गाढ् m.
    1 a fabulous animal supposed to have eight legs.
    -2 a spider.
    -गुण a. eightfold; अन्नादष्टगुणं चूर्णम्; दाप्यो$ष्टगुणमत्ययम् Ms.8.4. (
    -णम्) the eight qualities which a Brāhmaṇa should possess; दया सर्वभूतेषु, क्षान्तिः, अनसूया, शौचम्, अनायासः, मङ्गलम्, अकार्पण्यम्, अस्पृहा चेति ॥ Gautamasūtra. ˚आश्रय a. endowed with these eight qualities.
    -ष्ट (˚ष्टा˚) चत्वारिंशत् a. forty-eight.
    -तय a. eight-fold.
    -तारिणी the eight forms of the goddess तारिणी; तारा- चोग्रा महोग्रा च वज्रा काली सरस्वती । कावेश्वरी च चामुण्डा इत्यष्टौ तारिण्यो मताः ॥.
    -तालम् A kind of sculptural measure- ment in which the whole height of an idol is generally eight times that of the face.
    -त्रिंशत् -(˚ष्टा˚) a. thirty-eight.
    -त्रिकम् [अष्टावृत्तम् त्रिकम्] the number 24.
    -दलम् 1 a lotus having eight petals.
    -2 an octagon.
    -दशन् (˚ष्टा˚) see above after अष्टातय.
    -दिश् f. [कर्म˚ स. संज्ञात्वान्न द्विगुः दिक् सङ्ख्ये संज्ञायाम् P.II.1.5.] the eight cardinal points; पूर्वाग्नेयी दक्षिणा च नैर्ऋती पश्चिमा तथा । वायवी चोत्तरैशानी दिशा अष्टाविमाः स्मृताः ॥. ˚करिण्यः the eight female elephants living in the eight points; करिण्यो$भ्रमुकपिलापिङ्गलानुपमाः क्रमात् । ताम्रकर्णी शुभ्रदन्ती चाङ्गना चाञ्जनावती ॥ Ak. ˚पालाः the eight regents of the cardinal points; इन्द्रो वह्निः पितृपतिः (यमः) नैर्ऋतो वरुणो मरुत् (वायुः) । कुबेरे ईशः पतयः पूर्वादीनां दिशां क्रमात् ॥ Ak. ˚गजाः the eight elephants guarding the 8 quarters; ऐरावतः पुण्डरीको वामनः कुमुदो$ञ्जनः । पुष्पदन्तः सार्वभौमः सुप्रतीकश्च दिग्गजाः ॥ Ak.
    -देहाः (पिण्डब्रह्माण्डात्मकाः) Gross and subtle bodies; स्थूल, सूक्ष्म, कारण, महाकारण, विराट्, हिरण्य, अव्याकृत, मूलप्रकृति.
    -द्रव्यम् the eight materials of a sacrifice; अश्वत्थोदुम्बुरप्लक्षन्यग्रोधसमिधस्तिलाः । सिद्धार्थपायसाज्यानि द्रव्याण्यष्टौ विदुर्बुधाः ॥
    -धातुः the eight metals taken collectively; स्वर्णं रूप्यं च ताम्रं च रङ्गं यशदमेव च । शीसं लौहं रसश्चेति धातवो$ष्टौ प्रकीर्किताः ॥
    -नागाः (Serpents) अनन्त, वासुकि, तक्षक, कर्कोटक, शङ्ख, कुलिक, पद्म, and महापद्म.
    -नायिकाः (of श्रीकृष्ण) रुक्मिणी, सत्यभामा, जाम्बवती, कालिन्दी, मित्रवृन्दा, याज्ञजिती, भद्रा, and लक्ष्मणा. (of इन्द्र) उर्वशी, मेनका, रम्भा, पूर्वचिती, स्वयंप्रभा, भिन्नकेशी जनवल्लभा and घृताची (तिलोत्तमा). (In Erotics) वासकसज्जा, विरहोत्कण्ठिता, स्वाधीनभर्तृका, कलहान्तरिता, खण्डिता, विप्रलब्धा, प्रोषितभर्तृका, and अभिसारिका.
    -पक्ष a. Having eight side- pillars; अष्टपक्षां दशपक्षां शालाम् Av.9.3.21.
    -पद, -द् (˚ष्ट˚ or ˚ष्टा˚) a.
    1 eight-footed.
    -2 a term for a pregnant animal.
    -पदः (˚ष्ट˚)
    1 a spider.
    -2 a fabulous animal called Śarabha.
    -3 a worm.
    -4 a wild sort of jasmin.
    -5 a pin or bolt.
    -6 the mountain Kailāsa (the abode of Kubera). (
    -दः, -दम्) [अष्टसु धातुषु पदं प्रतिष्ठा यस्य Malli.]
    1 gold; आवर्जिताष्टापदकुम्भतोयैः Ku.7.1; Śi.3.28.
    -2 a kind of chequered cloth or a board for drafts, dice-board (Mar. पट); ˚परिचयचतुराभिः K.196. ˚पत्रम् a sheet of gold.
    -प (पा)दिका N. of a plant.
    -पदी (˚ष्ट-ष्टा˚)
    1 wild sort of jasmin (Mar. वेलमोगरी); श्यामान्वारणपुष्पांश्च तथा$- ष्टपदिका लताः Mb.13.54.6.
    -2 a variety of metre, often used in Jayadeva's Gītagovinda.
    -पलम् a kind of medicinal preparation of ghee.
    -पाद्य a. (˚ष्टा˚) eight-fold.
    -पुत्र a. Having eight sons; अष्टयोनिरदितिरष्ट- पुत्रा Av.8.9.21.
    -(देह)-प्रकृतयः पञ्चमहाभूतानि, मनः, बुद्धिः and अहङ्कारः.
    -प्रधानाः, वैद्य, उपाध्याय, सचिव, मन्त्री, प्रतिनिधि, राजाध्यक्ष, प्रधान and अमात्य. (of शिवाजी) प्रधान, अमात्य, सचिव, मन्त्री, डबीर, न्यायाधीश, न्यायशास्त्री and सेनापति.
    -भावाः (a) स्तम्भ, स्वेद, रोमाञ्च, वैस्वर्य, कम्प, वैवर्ण्य, अश्रुपात, and प्रलय (b) कम्प, रोमाञ्च, स्फुरण, प्रेमाश्रु, स्वेद, हास्य, लास्य, and गायन.
    -भैरवाः (शिवगणाः) असिताङ्ग, संहार, रुरु, काल, क्रोध, ताम्रचूड, चन्द्रचूड and महाभैरव, (इतरे- कपाल, रुद्र, भीषण उन्मत्त, कुपित इत्यादयः).
    -भोगाः अन्न, उदक, ताम्बूल, पुष्प, चन्दन, वसन, शय्या, and अलंकार.
    -मङ्गलः a horse with a white face, tail, mane, breast and hoofs. (
    -लम्) [अष्ट- गुणितं मङ्गलं शा. क. त.] a collection of eight lucky things; according to some they are:-- मृगराजो वृषो नागः कलशो व्यञ्जनं तथा । वैजयन्ती तथा भेरी दीप इत्यष्टमङ्गलम् ॥ according to others लोके$स्मिन्मङ्गलान्यष्टौ ब्राह्मणो गौर्हुताशनः । हिरण्यं सर्पि- रादित्य आपो राजा तथाष्टमः ॥
    -मङ्गलघृत Ghee mixed with Orris-root (Mar. वेखंड), Costus Arabicus (कोष्ट), ब्राह्मी Siphonanthus Indica, mustard, सैन्धव, पिप्पली, and (Mar. उपळसरी).
    -मधु Eight Kinds of honey माक्षिक, भ्रामर, क्षौद्र, पोतिका, छात्रक, अर्घ्य, औदाल, दाल.
    -महारसाः Eight रसs in Āyurveda, namely वैक्रान्तमणि, हिंगूळ, पारा, हलाहल, कान्तलोह, अभ्रक, स्वर्णमाक्षी, रौप्यमाक्षी.
    -महारोगाः वातव्याधि, अश्मरी, कुष्ट, मेह, उदक, भगन्दर, अर्श, and संग्रहणी.
    -महासिद्धयः (n.) अणिमा, महिमा, लघिमा, प्राप्ति, प्राकाश्य, ईशिता, वशिता, and प्राकाम्य. (b) अणिमा, महिमा, मघिमा, गरिमा, प्राप्ति, प्राकाम्य, ईशिता and वशिता.
    -मातृकाः ब्राह्मी, माहेश्वरी, कौमारी, वैष्णवी, वाराही, इन्द्राणी, कौबेरी, and चामुण्डा.
    -मुद्राः सुरभी, चक्र, ध्यान, योनि, कूर्म, पङ्कज, लिङ्ग and निर्याण.
    -मानम् one kuḍava.
    -मासिक a. occurring once in 8 months.
    -मुष्टिः a. measure called कुञ्चि; अष्टमुष्टिर्भवेत् कुञ्चिः कुञ्चयो$ष्टौ च पुष्कलः । हेमाद्रिः
    -मूत्राणि Urines of a cow, a sheep, a goat, a buffallo, a horse, an elephant, a camel, an ass.
    -मूर्तिः the 'eight-formed', an epithet of Śiva; the 8 forms being, the 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether), the Sun and the Moon and the sacrificing priest; cf. Ś.1.1 -या सृष्टिः स्रष्टुराद्या वहति विधिहुतं या हविर्या च होत्री । ये द्वे कालं विधत्तः श्रुतिविषयगुणा या स्थिता व्याप्य विश्वम् । यामाहुः सर्वभूत- प्रकृतिरिति यया प्राणिनः प्राणवन्तः । प्रत्यक्षाभिः प्रपन्नस्तनुभिरवतु वस्ताभिरष्टाभिरीशः ॥; or briefly expressed, the names in Sanskrit (in the above order) are:-- जलं वह्निस्तथा यष्टा सूर्याचन्द्रमसौ तथा । आकाशं वायुरवनी मूर्तयो$ष्टौ पिनाकिनः ॥. ˚धरः 'having 8 forms', Śiva.
    -मूर्तयः Eight kinds of idols शैली, दारुमयी, लौही, लेप्या, लेख्या, सैकती, मनोमयी, and मणिमयी
    -योगिन्यः (Friends of पार्वती) (a) मङ्गला, पिङ्गला, धन्या, भ्रामरी, भद्रिका, उल्का, सिद्धा, and सङ्कटा. (b) मार्जनी, कर्पूर- तिलका, मलयगन्धिनी, कौमुदिका, भेरुण्डा, मातालि, नायकी and जया (शुभाचारा) (sometimes सुलक्षणा and सुनन्दा).
    -रत्नम् the eight jewels taken collectively; the title of a collection of 8 Ślokas on morality.
    -रसाः the 8 sentiments in dramas &c.; शृङ्गारहास्यकरुणरौद्रवीरभयानकाः । बीभत्साद्भुतसंज्ञौ चेत्यष्टौ नाटये रसाः स्मृताः ॥ K. P.4 (to which is sometimes added a 9th Rasa called शान्त; निर्वेदस्थायिभावो$स्ति शान्तो$पि नवमो रसः ibid.); ˚आश्रय a. embodying or representing the eight sentiments; V.2.18.
    -लवणानि अजमोदा, आम्लवेतस, एलची (cardamom), Black salt (Mar. पादेलोण), Garcinia Mangostona (Mar. आमसोल), Cinnamo- mum aromaticum (Mar. दालचिनी), Black peppar (Mar. मिरीं).
    -लोहकम् a class of 8 metals; सुवर्णं रजतं ताम्रं सीसकं कान्तिकं तथा । वङ्गं लौहं तीक्ष्णलौहं लौहान्यष्टाविमानि तु ॥
    -वर्गः 1 a sort of diagram (चक्र) showing the good or bad stars of a person.
    -2 the 8 classes of letters; (अवर्ग, क˚, च˚, ट˚, त˚, प˚, य˚, श˚,).
    -3 a class of three principal medicaments, Namely ऋषभ, जीवक, मेद, महामेद, ऋद्धि, वृद्धि, काकोली, and क्षीरकाकोली cf. जीवकर्षभकौ मेदौ काकोल्यावृद्धिवृद्धिकी.
    -वक्रः (ष्टा) See below.
    -वर्ष a. Eight years old; त्र्यष्टवर्षो$ष्टवर्षां वा धर्मे सीदति सत्वरः Ms.9.94.
    -वसु The eight वसुs in the present मन्वन्तर are (a) धर, ध्रुव, सोम, आप, अनिल, अनल, प्रत्यूष, प्रभास. (b) द्रोण, प्राण, ध्रुव, अर्क, अग्नि, दोष, वसु, विभावसु.
    -वायनानि हरिद्रा, पूगीफल, दक्षिणा, शूर्प, कङ्कण, काचमणि, धान्य, वस्त्र (Mar. खण).
    -विना- यकाः The eight Gaṇapatis at मोरगांव (Dist. Poona), पाली (Dist. कुलाबा), भढ (near Karjat, dist. कुलाब), थेऊर (near लोणी, dist. Poona), जुन्नर (dist. Poona), ओझर (near जुन्नर, Dist. Poona). रांजणगांव (Poona- Nagar Road). सिद्धटेक (near दौंड, Dist. Ahmednagar).
    -विवाहाः बाह्य, दैव, आर्ष, गान्धर्व, राक्षस, प्राजापत्य, आसुर, पैशाच.
    -विध a. [अष्टाविधाः प्रकाराः अस्य] eight-fold, of eight kinds.
    -विंशतिः f. (˚ष्टा˚) [अष्टाधिका विंशतिः शाक. त.] the number twentyeight.
    -शतम् 1 One hundred and eight.
    -2 eight hundred.
    -श्रवणः, -श्रवस् N. of Brahmā (having 8 ears or four heads.)
    -समाधयः यम, नियम, आसन, प्राणायाम, प्रत्याहार, धारणा, ध्यान, and समाधि.
    -सिद्धयः (See --महा- सिद्धयः).

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अष्टन् _aṣṭan

  • 9 शारिपट्ट

    m. a chequered cloth orᅠ board for playing draughts etc., chess-board MW.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > शारिपट्ट

  • 10 szachownic|a

    f 1. Gry chessboard
    - ustawić pionki na szachownicy to set the pieces on the (chess)board
    2. (wzór) chequer(board), chequered pattern
    - zielono-brązowa szachownica pól the brown and green patchwork of fields
    3. Bot. fritillary

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > szachownic|a

  • 11 w

    w, we praep. 1. (wskazując na miejsce) in (czymś sth); (o instytucji) at (czymś sth)
    - w kuchni/łazience in the kitchen/bathroom
    - w domu/szkole/pracy at home/school/work
    - w Warszawie/we Wrocławiu in Warsaw/Wrocław
    - w Polsce/we Włoszech in Poland/Italy
    - w górach/lesie in the mountains/forest
    - w powietrzu/wodzie in the air/water
    - w szklance/pudełku in a glass/box
    - w prasie in the press
    - w telewizji/radiu on television/on the radio
    - w wyobraźni in one’s imagination
    - otwór w desce a hole in a board
    - trzymała coś w dłoni she was holding something in her hand
    - siedział w fotelu he was sitting in an armchair
    - trzymał ręce w kieszeniach he had his hands in his pockets
    - byłem wczoraj w kinie/teatrze I went to the cinema/theatre yesterday
    - uczyła się w szkole muzycznej she was studying at a music school
    - nagle stanął w drzwiach suddenly he appeared in the doorway
    - służyć w armii to be in the army
    - grać w orkiestrze to play with a. in an orchestra
    - działać w związkach zawodowych to be a trade union activist
    - to najcenniejszy obraz w całej kolekcji this is the most valuable picture in the entire collection
    - śledzie w oleju/sosie pomidorowym herring in oil/tomato sauce
    2. (kierunek) (in)to (coś sth)
    - w stronę czegoś in the direction of sth, towards sth
    - nie wchodź w kałuże don’t walk in the puddles
    - samochód wjechał w tłum the car ploughed into the crowd
    - pies chwycił kość w zęby the dog took the bone in its teeth
    - wziął ją w ramiona he took her in his arms
    - wpięła kokardę we włosy she pinned a ribbon in her hair
    - pojechali w góry they’ve gone to the mountains
    - spojrzeć w lewo/prawo to look (to one’s) left/right
    - spojrzeć w górę/dół to look up(wards)/down(wards)
    - wypłynąć w morze to set sail
    3. (wskazując na kontakt) on
    - uderzenie w nos/szczękę a blow on the nose/jaw
    - pocałować kogoś w usta/policzek to kiss sb on the lips/cheek
    - uderzyć się w głowę/kolano (o coś) to hit one’s head/knee (on sth)
    - walić w drzwi to bang on the door
    - oparzyć się w rękę to burn one’s hand
    - ugryźć się w język to bite one’s tongue także przen.
    - pies ugryzł go w nogę a dog bit his leg a. bit him in the leg
    - podrap mnie w plecy scratch my back
    - piorun uderzył w drzewo the lightning struck a tree
    4. (wskazując na rodzaj ubrania, opakowania) in
    - w spódnicy/sandałach/okularach in a skirt/in sandals/in glasses
    - mężczyzna w czarnym kapeluszu a man in a. wearing a black hat
    - (on) zawsze chodzi w dżinsach he always wears jeans
    - ubrał się w ciemny garnitur he put on a dark suit
    - kobieta w bieli a woman (dressed) in white
    - bukiet róż w celofanie a bunch of roses wrapped in cellophane
    - proszę mi to zapakować w papier/w pudełko please wrap it up in paper/pack it in a box (for me)
    5. (wskazując na dziedzinę) in
    - nowe kierunki w sztuce new directions in art
    - symbole stosowane w matematyce symbols used in mathematics
    - co nowego w polityce? what’s new in politics?
    6. (wskazując na stan) in
    - żyć w skrajnej nędzy to live in extreme poverty
    - być w wyśmienitym nastroju to be in the best of moods
    - być w opłakanym stanie to be in a lamentable state
    - wpakować kogoś w kłopoty to get sb into trouble
    - wprawić kogoś w zdumienie/zakłopotanie to astonish/embarrass sb
    - wpaść w furię to fly into a passion
    7. (wskazując na okoliczności) in
    - w milczeniu in silence
    - w samotności in solitude
    - w całym zamieszaniu in all the confusion
    - w wielkim skupieniu with great concentration
    - w tych warunkach in these conditions
    - w trzydziestostopniowym upale in the 30-degree heatwave
    - nie wychodzę z domu w taki mróz/upał I don’t go out when it’s that cold/hot
    8. (w określeniach czasu) in
    - w XX wieku/w 1873 roku in the 20th century/in 1873
    - w latach dwudziestych XIX wieku in the eighteen twenties
    - w zimie/lecie in (the) winter/summer
    - w maju/we wrześniu in May/September
    - w poniedziałek/we wtorek on Monday/Tuesday
    - w ubiegły/przyszły czwartek last/next Thursday
    - w ubiegłym/przyszłym roku last/next year
    - w następnym roku in the following year
    - we dnie i w nocy day and night
    - w ten dzień a. w tym dniu (on) that day
    - w dniu 11 listopada on the 11th of November
    - w starożytności/średniowieczu in ancient times a. antiquity/the Middle Ages
    - w dawnych czasach in the old days
    - w przeszłości/przyszłości in the past/the future
    - w młodości in sb’s youth
    - w rok/miesiąc/tydzień później a year/month/week later
    - w dwie godziny/w trzy miesiące/w rok in two hours/three months/a year
    9 (podczas) in, during
    - zginął w powstaniu he was killed during/in the uprising
    - w rozmowie ze mną wspomniał, że… in conversation with me he mentioned that…
    - w podróży (on) najczęściej śpi he usually sleeps when travelling
    10 (wskazując na formę) in
    - komedia w trzech aktach a comedy in three acts
    - mapa w skali 1:100000 a map to a scale of 1:100,000
    - stoły ustawione w podkowę tables arranged in a horseshoe
    - otrzymać honorarium w gotówce to be paid in cash
    - mówili w jakimś obcym języku they were speaking in a foreign language
    - cukier w kostkach cube sugar, sugar cubes
    - herbata w granulkach granulated tea
    - mleko w proszku powdered milk
    - mydło w płynie liquid soap
    - spodnie w jasnym kolorze light-coloured trousers
    - sukienki w kilku kolorach dresses in several colours
    - rzeźba w marmurze a sculpture in marble
    - 10 tysięcy złotych w banknotach dwudziestozłotowych ten thousand zlotys in twenty-zloty notes
    11 (wzór) sukienka w grochy a polka-dot dress
    - spódnica w kwiaty a flower-patterned skirt
    - zasłony w paski striped curtains
    - papier w kratkę squared paper
    - rękawy haftowane w srebrne gwiazdy sleeves embroidered with silver stars
    12 (wskazując na przemianę) into
    - pokroić coś w kostkę/plastry to cut sth into cubes/slices, to cube/slice sth
    - czarownica przemieniła królewicza w żabę the witch turned the prince into a frog
    - mżawka przeszła w ulewę the drizzle turned into a downpour
    13 (wskazując na ilość) in
    - podanie w dwóch/trzech egzemplarzach an application in duplicate/triplicate
    - spali we trójkę w jednym łóżku the three of them slept in one bed
    - poszliśmy w piątkę do kina the five of us went to the cinema
    - romantyczna podróż we dwoje a romantic journey for two
    14 (jeśli chodzi o) cierpki w smaku bitter in taste
    - szorstki w dotyku rough to the touch
    - on jest miły/niemiły w obejściu he’s pleasant/unpleasant
    - za ciasny/luźny w pasie too tight/loose round the waist
    - ciasny w ramionach tight across the shoulders
    - szeroki w ramionach/biodrach broad-shouldered/broad-hipped
    - urządzenie proste w obsłudze an easy-to-use appliance
    - był zawsze rozsądny w planowaniu wydatków he was always prudent in planning his expenditure
    15 (wskazując na powód) in
    - w uznaniu jego zasług in recognition of his services
    - w obawie o jej/własne bezpieczeństwo in fear of a. fearing for her/one’s own safety
    - w poszukiwaniu lepszego życia in one’s search for a better life
    - w nadziei, że… in the hope that…
    16 (wskazując na cel) pójść w odwiedziny do kogoś to go to visit a. see sb
    - ruszyć w pogoń za kimś to set off in pursuit of sb
    - puścić się w tany to start dancing
    17 (wskazując na cechę) in
    - wahanie w jego/jej głosie hesitation in his/her voice
    - było coś dostojnego w jej zachowaniu there was something dignified in her manner
    * * *
    1. nt
    inv ( litera) W, w

    W jak Wacław — ≈W for William

    2. abbr
    ( =wat) W. ( watt)
    * * *
    indecl. ( litera) W, w; W jak Wacław W is for Whiskey; W as in Whiskey.
    + Loc.
    1. (miejsce, lokalizacja) in, at, inside; w domu at home; w pracy at work; w kinie at the movie theater; Br. at the cinema; w górach in the mountains; w lesie in the forest; w szklance in a glass; w samochodzie in the car; w pociągu on the train; w areszcie in detention; w biurze at the office; w odległości stu metrów 100 meters away, within 100 meters; w prasie in the papers; w radiu on the radio; w telewizji on TV; w wojsku in the army; w sądzie in court; w pamięci in memory; w wyobraźni in one's imagination; w sercu in one's heart; w duchu in one's soul; zimno mi w nogi my feet are cold.
    2. ( okoliczności) in; w bójce in fight; w płomieniach in flames; w trzech tomach in three volumes; w dwóch egzemplarzach in two copies; w skrócie in short; w poszukiwaniu prawdy in search for the truth; w części (odnowiony) partly (redecorated).
    3. ( stan) in; w chorobie in illness; w gorączce in fever; w miłości in love; w milczeniu in silence; w nędzy in poverty; w panice in panic; w budowie under construction; w blasku sławy in a blaze of glory; być w dobrym humorze be in a good mood; być w błędzie be mistaken; coś jest w modzie sth is in vogue l. fashion.
    4. ( ograniczenie) in; w pasie round the waist; szorstki w dotyku rough to the touch; szczupła w biodrach slim-hipped; miły w kontaktach osobistych pleasant in personal relations.
    5. ( ubiór lub jego część) in; w futrze in a fur coat; w okularach wearing glasses; w kapeluszu with a hat on, in a hat; kobieta w bieli a woman in white.
    6. (to, w czym się coś trzyma) in; w ręce in hand; w pułapce in a trap; trzymać kogoś w ramionach hold sb in one's arms.
    7. ( postać) in; mydło w płynie liquid soap; cukier w kostkach cube sugar; rzeźba w marmurze sculpture in marble; milion dolarów w złocie a million dollars in gold; 1000 zł w banknotach stuzłotowych a thousand zlotys in one hundred zloty bills; Br. a thousand zlotys in one hundred zloty notes.
    8. ( typ działania) in; dostać (coś) w prezencie get l. receive (sth) as a present; płacić w gotówce/ratach pay in cash/in installments.
    9. + Acc. ( kierunek) in, to; w lewo/prawo to the left/right; w dół/górę downwards/upwards; patrzeć w niebo look up in the sky; pojechać w góry go to the mountains; wyjść w morze set sail.
    10. (kształt, właściwość) in; w kratkę checked, checkered, Br. chequered; w kwiaty flowered, millefleurs; w paski striped; w parach in pairs; pokroić (coś) w kostkę cut (sth) into cubes, cube (sth).
    11. ( przedmiot działania) on, in; bić w dzwony ring the bells; celować w serce aim at the heart; inwestować w swoją przyszłość invest in one's future; uderzyć się w palec ( u nogi) stub one's toe; ( u ręki) hit one's finger; uderzyć się w głowę get a bang on the head; walić w drzwi bang on the door; wdać się w bójkę get into a fight; wierzyć w Boga believe in God; wprawić w zdumienie astonish, amaze; puknij się w czoło are you out of senses?
    12. + Acc. ( całość) in; w całości in full; w pełni to the full; w całym słowa tego znaczeniu par excellence; układać fakty w logiczną całość arrange facts logically.
    13. + Acc. ( wyposażenie) with; uzbrojony w karabin armed with a gun; wyposażony w narzędzia equipped with tools; obfitować w ryby swarm l. teem with fish; zaopatrzyć w żywność provide with food.
    14. + Acc. ( sposób) in; rozumieć w lot be quick on the uptake; śmiać się w głos laugh up l. in one's sleeve; wyciąć w pień kill every last one; żyć w nędzy live in poverty.
    15. + Acc. ( cel) in; grać w karty play cards; pójść (do kogoś) w odwiedziny pay (sb) a visit; zapaść w sen lapse into sleep, fall asleep.
    16. + Acc. ( skutek) into; obrócić się w popiół turn to dust; rozpaść się w kawałki fall into pieces; śpiew przerodził się w krzyk the singing turned into a scream.
    17. + Acc. ( odczucia) in; być w dobrym humorze be in a good mood; leżeć w bólach be lying in pains.
    18. + Acc. l. Loc. ( czas) at, on, in; we wtorek on Tuesday; w dzień during the day, by day; w południe at noon; w nocy at night; w maju in May; w roku 1995 in 1995; w lecie in the summer; w porze lunchu at lunchtime; w czasie urlopu during the holiday; w dniu ślubu on the wedding day; w wieczór wigilijny on Christmas Eve; w rok po spotkaniu a year after the meeting; w godzinę po twoim wyjściu an hour after you left; w ostatniej chwili at the last minute l. moment, at the eleventh hour; w ostatnich latach in recent years; w biały dzień in broad daylight; w młodości in one's youth; dzień w dzień day after day.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > w

  • 12 चित्र _citra

    चित्र a. [चित्र्-भावे अच्; चि-ष्ट्रन् वा Uṇ.4.163]
    1 Bright, clear.
    -2 Variegated, spotted, diversified.
    -3 amusing, interesting, agreeable; Māl.1.4.
    -4 Various, different, manifold; Pt.1.136; Ms.9.248; Y.1.288.
    -5 Surprising, wonderful, strange; किमत्र चित्रम् R.5.33; Ś.2.15.
    -6 Perceptible, visible.
    -7 Conspicuous, excellent, distinguished; न यद्वचश्चित्रपदं हरेर्यशो जगत्पवित्रं प्रगृणीत कर्हिचित् Bhāg.1.5.1.
    -8 Rough, agitated (as the sea, opp सम).
    -9 Clear, loud, perceptible (as a sound).
    -त्रः 1 The variegated colour.
    -2 A form of Yama.
    -3 The Aśoka tree.
    -4 = चित्रगुप्त q. v. below.
    -त्रम् 1 A picture, painting, delineation चित्रे निवेश्य परिकल्पितसत्त्वयोगा Ś.2.9; पुनरपि चित्रीकृता कान्ता Ś.6.2,13,21 &c.
    -2 A brilliant ornament or ornament.
    -3 An extraordinary appearance, wonder.
    -4 A sectarial mark on the fore- head.
    -5 Heaven, sky.
    -6 A spot.
    -7 The white or spotted leprosy.
    -8 (In Rhet.) The last of the three main divisions of Kāvya (poetry). (It is of two kinds शब्दचित्र and अर्थ-वाच्य-चित्र, and the poetical charm lies mainly in the use of figures of speech dependent on the sound and sense of words. Mammaṭa thus defines it:-- शब्दचित्रं वाज्यचित्रमव्यङ्ग्यं त्ववरं स्मृतम् K. P.1. As an instance of शब्दचित्र may be cited the following verse from R. G. मित्रात्रिपुत्रनेत्राय त्रयीशात्रवशत्रवे । गोत्रारिगोत्रजैत्राय गोत्रात्रे ते नमो नमः ॥
    -9 Anything bright which strikes the eye.
    -1 Playing upon words, punning, using conundrums, riddles &c.
    -11 A lotus....... मङ्गले तिलके हेम्नि व्योम्नि पद्मे नपुंसकम् । Nm.
    -त्रम् ind. Oh !, how strange !, what a wonder ! चित्रं बधिरो नाम व्याकरणमध्येष्यते Sk.
    -Comp. -अक्षी, -नेत्रा, -लोचना a kind of bird com- monly called Sārikā.
    -अङ्ग a. striped, having a spot- ted body.
    (-ङ्गः) 1 a kind of snake.
    -2 N. of Arjuna.
    (-ङ्गम्) 1 vermilion.
    -2 yellow orpiment.
    -अङ्गद a. decked with brilliant bracelets. (
    -दा) N. of a wife of Arjuna and mother of Babhruvāhana.
    -अङ्गदसूः f. an epithet of Satyavatī, mother of Vyāsa.
    -अन्नम् rice dressed with coloured condiments; Y.1.34.
    -अपूपः a kind of cake.
    -अर्पित a. committed to a picture, painted. ˚आरम्भ a. painted; चित्रार्पितारम्भ इवावतस्थे R.2.31; Ku.3.42.
    -आकृतिः f. a painted resemblance, portrait.
    -आयसम् steel.
    -आरम्भः a painted scene, outline of a picture; V.1.4. v. l.
    -उक्तिः f.
    1 agreeable or frequent discourse; जयन्ति ते पञ्चममित्रचित्रोक्तिसंदर्भविभूषणेषु Vikr.1.
    -2 a voice from heaven.
    -3 a surprising tale.
    -ओदनः boiled rice coloured with turmeric &c.
    -कण्ठः pigeon.
    -कथालापः telling agreeable or charming stories.
    -कम्बलः 1 painted cloth used as an elephant's housing
    -2 a variegated carpet.
    - कर 1 a painter.
    -2 an actor.
    -कर्मन् n.
    1 an extraordinary act; धीर्न चित्रीयते कस्माद- भित्तौ चित्रकर्मणा Ks.6.5.
    -2 ornamenting, decorating.
    -3 a picture; Mu.2.4.
    -4 magic. (-m.)
    1 a magi- cian, one who works wonders.
    -2 a painter. ˚विद् m.
    1 a painter.
    -2 a magician.
    -कायः 1 a tiger in general.
    -2 a leopard or panther.
    -कारः 1 a painter.
    -2 N. of a mixed tribe; (स्थपतेरपि गान्धिक्यां चित्रकारो व्यजायत Parāśara).
    -कूटः N. of a hill and district near Pra- yāga; दृप्तः कुकुद्मानिव चित्रकूटः R.12;15;13.47, U.1.
    -कृत् a. astonishing, surprising. (-m.) a painter.
    -कोलः a kind of lizard.
    -क्रिया, -कृत्यम् painting; आहूय स्वसुता- वासे चित्रकृत्ये न्ययुङ्क्त माम् Ks.71.82.
    -क्षत्र a. Ved. having manifold power, or one whose wealth is visible; चित्रक्षत्र चित्रतमं वयोधाम् Rv.6.6.7.
    -ग, -गत a.
    1 painted, drawn in a picture; संपूर्णलक्षणा देवी प्रतिभाति स्म चित्रगा Ks.5.31.
    -2 coloured, variegated.
    -गन्धम् yellow orpiment.
    -गुप्तः one of the beings in Yama's world recording the vices and virtues of mankind; नामान्येषां लिखामि ध्रुवमहम- धुना चित्रगुप्तः प्रमार्ष्टु Mu.1.2.
    -गृहम् a painted room.
    -जल्पः a random or incoherent talk, talk on various subjects.
    -तण्डुलम् a medicinal plant said to possess anthelmintic virtues.
    -त्वच् m. the Bhūrja tree.
    -दण्डकः the cotton-plant.
    -धा ind. in many ways; तर्कयामास चित्रधा Bhāg.3.13.2.
    -न्यस्त a. painted, drawn in a picture; Ku.2.24.
    -पक्षः the francoline partridge.
    -पटः, -ट्टः 1 a painting, a picture.
    -2 a coloured or chequered cloth.
    -पद a.
    1 divided into various parts.
    -2 full of graceful expressions.
    -पादा the bird called Sārikā.
    -पिच्छकः a peacock.
    -पुङ्खः a kind of arrow.
    -पृष्ठः a sparrow.
    -प्रतिकृतिः f. representation in colours, a painting, a picture.
    -फलः, -फलकः A kind of large flat fish; L. D. B.
    -फला 1 A smaller kind of flat fish.
    -2 N. of several plants.
    -फलकम् a tablet for painting, a picture-board.
    -बर्हः a peacock;
    -भानु a. of a variegated colour, shining with light; चित्रभानुरुषसां भात्यग्रे R.7.9.3; प्रपूर्वगौ पूर्वजौ चित्रभानू Mb.1.3.57.
    (-नुः) 1 fire; पुच्छैः शिरोभिश्च भृशं चित्रभानुं प्रपेदिरे Mb.1.53. 5.
    -2 the sun; (चित्रभानुर्विभातीति दिने रवौ रात्रौ वह्नौ K. P. 2 given as an instance of one of the modes of अञ्जन).
    -3 N. of Bhairava.
    -4 the Arka plant.
    -5 Śiva.
    -6 an epithet of the Aśvins.
    -7 the first year of the first cycle of Jupiter.
    -भाष्यम् A diplomatic speech; Mb. 5.35.71.
    -भूत a. painted.
    -मण्डलः a kind of snake.
    -मृगः the spotted antelope.
    -मेखलः a peacock.
    -योधिन् a. fighting in a wonderful manner; लब्धास्त्रश्चित्रयोधी च मनस्वी च दृढवतः 5.17.3. (-m.) an epithet of Arjuna.
    -रथः 1 the sun.
    -2 N. of a king of the Gandharvas, one of the sixteen sons of Kaśyapa by his wife Muni; अत्र मुनेस्तनयश्चित्रसेनादीनां पञ्चदशानां भ्रातॄणामधिको गुणैः षोडश- श्चित्ररथो नाम समुत्पन्नः K.136; V.1.
    -लिखनम् painting.
    -लिखित a.
    1 painted.
    -2 dumb, motionless (as in a picture).
    -लेख a. of beautiful outlines, highly arched; रुचिस्तव कलावती रुचिरचित्रलेखे श्रुवौ Gīt.1.
    (-खा) 1 a portrait, picture.
    -2 N. of a friend and companion of Uṣā, daughter of Bāṇa. [When Uṣā related to her her dream, she suggested the idea of taking the portraits of all young princes in the neighbourhood; and on Uṣā's recognising Aniruddha, Chitralekhā, by means of her magical power, conveyed him to her palace.]
    -लेखकः a painter.
    -लेखनिका a painter's brush.
    -वदालः the sheat-fish.
    -वनम् N. of a forest near the Gaṇḍakī.
    -वाजः a cock.
    -विचित्र a.
    1 vari- ously coloured, variegated.
    -2 multiform.
    -विद्या the art of painting.
    -शाला a painter's studio.
    -शिखण्डिन् m. an epithet of the seven sages:--मरीचि, अङ्गिरस्, अत्रि, पुलस्त्य, पुलह, क्रतु and वसिष्ठ; मरीचिरत्र्यङ्गिरसौ पुलस्त्यः पुलहः क्रतुः । वसिष्ठश्च महातेजास्ते हि चित्रशिखण्डिनः ॥ Mb.12.335.29. ˚जः an epithet of Bṛihaspati.
    -शिरस् m.
    -शीर्षकः a kind of venomous insect.
    -श्रीः great or wonderful beauty.
    -संस्थ a. painted.
    -हस्तः a particular position of the hands in fighting.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > चित्र _citra

  • 13 पञ्चनी _pañcanī

    पञ्चनी 1 A chequered cloth for playing at draughts.
    -2 A chess-board.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > पञ्चनी _pañcanī

  • 14 SPJALD

    n. tablet, square, = speld( lög rituð á spjald); hlaða spjöldum, to weave chequered linen.
    * * *
    n., pl. spjöld, [Ulf. spilda = πινακίδιον, πλάξ]:—a square tablet; með spjöldum ok spilum, Stj. 563: a tablet in a church, brík yfir altari, spjöld tvau, Vm. 149; spjald ok á crucifixio. Ám. 58: the square wooden board in the binding of a book, átta bækr í spjöldum, Vm. 177; hálfr fimti tugr bóka í spjöldum, Dipl. v. 18: spjalda-laus, without a cover, id.: the phrase, spjaldanna á milli, from one cover to the other; eg hefi lesið bókina spjalda á milli, i. e. all, every word of it: vax-spjöld, wax-tablets, Sturl. iii: for writing, Lat. cera, skrifa á spjald, Stat. 275; kirkjunnar lög rituð á spjali(d) ok upp-fest, H. E. i. 501: the squares made in weaving by ladies, hlaða spjöldum, to make, weave, check, Gkv. 2. 26; hence a woman is in poets called spjalda gná, the fairy of the tablets, Skáld H. 6. 48; spennti eg miðja spjalda gná spriklaði sál á vörum, a ditty.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > SPJALD

  • 15 अष्टापद

    m. « having eight legs», a spider L. ;

    a worm L. ;
    the fabulous animal Sarabha L. ;
    a wild sort of jasmin L. ;
    a pin orᅠ bolt L. ;
    the mountain Kailāsa L. ;
    ( asoram) m. n. (gaṇa ardharcâ̱di q.v.) a kind of chequered cloth orᅠ board for drafts, dice, etc. Hariv. R. etc.;
    (= - prush q.v.) gold MBh. XII, 10983 Kum. VII, 10 ;
    (ā) f. (i.e. ric) a verse consisting of eight Padas

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > अष्टापद

  • 16 पञ्चनी

    f. a chequered cloth for playing at draughts etc., a chess-board (= ṡāri-ṡṛiṅkhatā) L.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > पञ्चनी

  • 17 Schachbrettverband

    Schachbrettverband m chequer board, chequered bond

    Deutsch-Englisch Fachwörterbuch Architektur und Bauwesen > Schachbrettverband

См. также в других словарях:

  • List of chess terms — This page explains commonly used terms in chess in alphabetical order. Some of these have their own pages, like fork and pin. For a list of unorthodox chess pieces, see fairy chess piece; for a list of terms specific to chess problems, see chess… …   Wikipedia

  • Grianan of Aileach — The Grianan of Aileach (also spelled Ailech; Irish: Grianán Ailigh ) is a group of historic monuments in County Donegal, Ireland built on the hill of Grianán which is 244 metres high. Most writers have identified the site as being the great… …   Wikipedia

  • Glossary of chess — See also: Outline of chess and Glossary of chess problems This page explains commonly used terms in chess in alphabetical order. Some of these have their own pages, like fork and pin. For a list of unorthodox chess pieces, see fairy chess… …   Wikipedia

  • David Howell (chess player) — David Howell Howell at the World Junior, Gaziantep 2008 Full name David Wei Liang Howell Country …   Wikipedia

  • halma — /ˈhælmə/ (say halmuh) noun a game played on a chequered board by two, three, or four players, the object being to move one s pieces from one corner of the board to the opposite corner by leaping over other pieces: *Bill had to leave his half… …  

  • The Cheker —    A messuage so called belonging to the Salters in parish of All Saints in Bredstrete, I. Ed. VI. (Lond. I. p.m. I. 99).    No further reference.    It is difficult to account for the frequent use of this name, which would seem to be derived… …   Dictionary of London

  • draughtboard — noun Brit. a square chequered board of sixty four small squares, used for playing draughts …   English new terms dictionary

  • draughts — noun Brit. a game played on a chequered board by two players, who each start with twelve disc shaped pieces and move them diagonally with the aim of capturing all the opponent s pieces. Origin ME: from draught; related to obs. draught in the… …   English new terms dictionary

  • chess — I. /tʃɛs / (say ches) noun a game played by two persons, each with sixteen pieces, on a chequered board. {Middle English, from Old French: aphetic modification of esches, eschecs, plural. See check} II. /tʃɛs / (say ches) noun (plural chess or… …  

  • draughts — /drafts/ (say drahfts) plural noun (construed as singular) a game played by two people each with twelve pieces on a chequered board; chequers. {from obsolete use draught a chess move, from the drawing across of the chess piece} …  

  • chessboard — n. a chequered board of 64 squares on which chess and draughts are played …   Useful english dictionary

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